The claim that building a new generation of new nuclear
power stations will solve our energy problems and in the process reduce CO2
emissions is a flawed prospective. There
are several key issues that need to be examined which the Government is
deliberately refusing to face up to despite its so-called
The excessive costs
Nuclear power can be described as a very expensive way of
boiling water. There is no "rocket
science" in the technology, the principle is to create heat by the
fissioning of radioactive materials in a nuclear reactor, and to use this heat
to turn water into steam to drive generators to create electricity (the James
Watt principle). In the fissioning
process, intense radioactivity is created.
Building a single new nuclear reactor will cost upwards of
£2 billion. If 10 are to be built, this
will be a considerable financial outlay, (some estimates have even suggested
the final figure may be close to £50 billion, plus massive insurance premiums
renewable annually). Government claims
that not a penny would come from the public purse seem absurd. Do they honestly believe that private
investors would provide such sums knowing that it would be 20 years or more
before returns could be expected on their investments, not forgetting that the
only private nuclear company had to be saved from bankruptcy by the Government
in 2002? Years ago, France decided to go
down the nuclear route. In the process
France became the second largest debtor nation in the world (next to Brazil)
and for many years the French economy was crippled. In 2012 the French President said that France is to end its reliance on nuclear power and move to renewables.
France is a large agricultural country and it was soon
realised that nuclear electricity could not drive tractors (or pick grapes) and
rather than reduce its dependency on oil from the Middle East imports continued
to soar. A Channel link with the U.K.
for its surplus electricity was established but there have been unforeseen
problems within the nuclear industry and today France relies on nuclear power
for just 70 per cent of its electricity generating capacity. France has had its share of nuclear
accidents, what could have been most catastrophic occurred at Le Havre. It came close to enough radioactivity being
released to wipe out most of the population south of The Wash. Should a major nuclear accident or a
terrorist attack occur anywhere in Europe or America during the building
process it would certainly cause the whole project to be abandoned creating the
biggest white elephant in history.
Building a Nuclear Power Station
What seems to be hidden from public scrutiny is the huge
consumption of fossil fuels, over many years, required to build and operate a
nuclear power station. It is a massive
undertaking considering the intricacies of the job, the total reliability
required of every single component, plus the safety factors to be put in
place. Thousands of tons of top quality
steel would be needed. As the U.K. is
totally incapable of providing this requirement where would this come from? Much of it could come from China, which uses
cheap coal in its many furnaces with further fossil fuel consumption being
required in bringing it all the way here.
If, as is claimed, other countries are going down the nuclear route
where will all the steel supplies come from?
Are we to rely on the efficiency of foreign economies for us to achieve
our goals?
There are far too many imponderables. All we can be sure of is that at every stage
of building nuclear reactors there will be considerable release of CO2
into the atmosphere, and a giant question mark will remain over the reliability
of foreign steel imports, plus of course the efficiency of plants during their
working life. American sources have
claimed that it would require 40 years of operation, with nil discharges of CO2
, and no further reliance on fossil fuels to balance a reactor's consumption
during the building process!
The life of a nuclear reactor is a relatively short one, and
as we already know, huge problems emerge at the end of its working life. The Government has committed massive amounts
of money for this, £45 billion for cleaning up the mess, and a further £85
billion to deal with the waste. The
cutting of CO2 emissions by creating new nuclear power stations is
simply a delusion. If the Government
believes that it will help their own CO2 reduction targets it will
certainly not do so globally.
Fossil fuel consumption during operation
An operational nuclear reactor does not rid us of fossil
fuel usage with the associated CO2 production. The route to providing the processed fuel for
feeding a nuclear reactor is a long and winding one. The raw fuel, uranium, which of course is
radioactive, is dug out of the ground mostly in Australia, Niger and Canada,
and has to be brought all the way to this country using fossil fuels. Conditions in the Australian mines are
appalling with radioactive finings blowing around in the desert air. The work is done mostly by Aborigines. They are well paid, but only engaged for a
few years due to serious health problems.
On arrival here, the raw fuel has to be cleaned, processed and enriched,
in a series of elaborate procedures before being transported to the reactor. The removal of highly radioactive spent
nuclear fuel rods and their transportation to storage sites often far off from
the source adds considerably to the costs, and all these procedures require
total dependence on fossil fuels. The
simple fact that nuclear power stations are situated well away from centres of
population also means that staff and supplies have to travel long distances to
get there.
Real alternatives
If it were to be the case that the billions required for a
new generation of nuclear power stations were invested instead in renewables,
we would achieve all our goals in much less time. To start with, a huge saving in energy usage
could be achieved by a national house insulation programme. A bold step of passing a law requiring solar
panels to be incorporated into every new property built, perhaps even into
every property about to be sold, would produce rich dividends. The U.K. has several assets unavailable to
most countries, in particular wind and wave power. Floating platforms of windmills off our
western seaboard and real investment into wave energy have been proven
scientifically to be achievable, all that is lacking is the political will by the Westminster Government to
do this. Such platforms could be towed
to areas where the strongest winds are predicted, it is rare in the Western
Atlantic close to our shores for wind to be an absent commodity. Wave energy is the most neglected untapped
source for providing totally pollution free energy. The sea produces 2 tides per day, 365 days a
year, and the power of the incoming tide and outgoing tide are equally
proportioned. These tides are a powerful
source of potential energy, capable of providing a large slice of our energy
needs, yet this source has been subject to massive neglect, probably due to our
reliance on North Sea Oil, and the powerful nuclear lobby. If a fraction of the proposed spending on new nuclear plants was transferred to developing tidal power, all our energy needs could be met.
A new source of providing heat which could greatly reduce our energy needs is to draw heat from the soil beneath our feet. The procedure to do this is very simple. Called "The deep bore brine circulation", a plastic geothermal energy probe is inserted into a bore hole in the ground below a property. Brine flows through this deep into the ground and back up, bringing free heat from the earth. It can easily be installed in old properties as well as new. Whilst currently local authority approval is required for this it is not expected to provide many obstacles as the system is invisible from outside the property. Approximately 65 to 75 percent of the energy needed to heat a home can be obtained free of charge from the soil. Whilst electricity is required to operate the system it produces five times its own power in the heating process. The small number of firms involved in providing this source of heating are reporting full order books, and much expansion is expected in the next few years.
See also: More blogs by John Jappy
A new source of providing heat which could greatly reduce our energy needs is to draw heat from the soil beneath our feet. The procedure to do this is very simple. Called "The deep bore brine circulation", a plastic geothermal energy probe is inserted into a bore hole in the ground below a property. Brine flows through this deep into the ground and back up, bringing free heat from the earth. It can easily be installed in old properties as well as new. Whilst currently local authority approval is required for this it is not expected to provide many obstacles as the system is invisible from outside the property. Approximately 65 to 75 percent of the energy needed to heat a home can be obtained free of charge from the soil. Whilst electricity is required to operate the system it produces five times its own power in the heating process. The small number of firms involved in providing this source of heating are reporting full order books, and much expansion is expected in the next few years.
See also: More blogs by John Jappy
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